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The Floating Rubbish Bin or also known as the Seabin project was founded by two Austrailian surfers named Pete Ceglinski and Andrew Turton last 2015, where its main purpose is to help reduce the trashes seen at the marina or any bodies of water. It is a circular lateral bin that filters the sucked water together with the trash or oil and flushes back the water into the sea, the trash collected by the filter will be thrown at the proper garbage can. It was designed to have a submersible water pump at the bottom and a filter at the middle of the device. Its capacity can hold up to 90 000 plastic bags, 35 700 disposable cups, 16 500 plastic bottles, and 166 500 plastic utensils per year. It is said to capture 1 952.33 kg of trash a day. As of now, there are 719 seabins around the world and it captured a total of 114 916 kg of trash. 

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